KMPE Shader v2.5

KMPE Shader is one of many MCPE shader and it have many feature.In the new version, creator decided to completely rewrite the shader code, using an old experience in developing previous versions.
Tested on Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.14.0 aplha build 4

 What new on 2.5 ?
– Clouds (High and Ultra)
– Improved water with waves (as PC)
– Reflections of clouds in water (all but Low)
– Reflection on the distant chunks (Ultra)
– Reflected light of the sun and the moon (High and Ultra)
– Post-Processing: darkens and blurs textures and shadows on the edges of the screen, the light treatment (Ultra)
– New dynamic light
– Shadows
– Rock the plant and fire (only 0.14)Screen Shot :

Time Lapse

You can see other screenshot Here
Download Now!!

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